Chapter 11 meconetcomp package
To facilitate microbial co-occurrence network comparison, R package meconetcomp ( was developed. The basic strategy is to use R list to put into all the trans_network objects and perform the following analysis. The flow chart and following contents are adapted from the published article (C. Liu et al. 2023). For more details, please see the online paper ( To cite meconetcomp in publications use:
Chi Liu, Chaonan Li, Yanqiong Jiang, Raymond Jianxiong Zeng, Minjie Yao, and Xiangzhen Li. 2023. A guide for comparing microbial co-occurrence networks. iMeta. 2(1): e71.
The BibTeX in LaTeX and markdown is:
title = {A guide for comparing microbial co-occurrence networks},
author = {Liu, Chi and Li, Chaonan and Jiang, Yanqiong and Zeng, Raymond J. and Yao, Minjie and Li, Xiangzhen},
year = {2023},
journal = {iMeta},
volume = {2},
issue = {1},
pages = {e71},
doi = {10.1002/imt2.71},
url = {},
# install the required packages
# aplot: one dependency of the trans_venn class of microeco package
# agricolae: for Duncan's new multiple range test
<- c("meconetcomp", "rgexf", "pheatmap", "aplot", "agricolae")
packages # Now check or install
for(x in packages){
if(!require(x, character.only = TRUE)) {
install.packages(x, dependencies = TRUE)
} }
# use pipe operator in magrittr package
# load soil amplicon sequencing dataset
First reconstruct three correlation networks for the three groups ‘IW’, ‘TW’ and ‘CW’ as the example.
# first create a list
<- list()
soil_amp_network # select samples of "IW" group
# use clone to get a deep copy of soil_amp (R6 object)
<- clone(soil_amp)
tmp # change sample_table directly
$sample_table %<>% subset(Group == "IW")
tmp# trim all files in the object
tmp# use filter_thres parameter to filter the feature with low relative abundance
<- trans_network$new(dataset = tmp, cor_method = "spearman", filter_thres = 0.0005)
tmp # COR_p_thres represents the p value threshold
# COR_cut denotes the correlation coefficient threshold
$cal_network(COR_p_thres = 0.01, COR_cut = 0.6)
tmp# put the network into the list
$IW <- tmp
soil_amp_network# select samples of "TW" group
<- clone(soil_amp)
tmp $sample_table %<>% subset(Group == "TW")
tmp<- trans_network$new(dataset = tmp, cor_method = "spearman", filter_thres = 0.0005)
tmp $cal_network(COR_p_thres = 0.01, COR_cut = 0.6)
tmp$TW <- tmp
soil_amp_network# select samples of "CW" group
<- clone(soil_amp)
tmp $sample_table %<>% subset(Group == "CW")
tmp<- trans_network$new(dataset = tmp, cor_method = "spearman", filter_thres = 0.0005)
tmp $cal_network(COR_p_thres = 0.01, COR_cut = 0.6)
tmp$CW <- tmp
soil_amp_network# Now we have the list soil_amp_network
11.1 Network modularity for all networks
The function cal_module in meconetcomp package is designed to partition modules for all the networks in the list.
%<>% cal_module(undirected_method = "cluster_fast_greedy") soil_amp_network
11.2 Network topological attributes for all networks
we extracted all the res_network_attr tables in the networks and merged them into one final table by using cal_network_attr function in meconetcomp package.
<- cal_network_attr(soil_amp_network)
tmp # tmp is a data.frame object
11.3 Node and edge properties extraction for all networks
The get_node_table and get_edge_table functions of meconetcomp package can be used to directly extract node and edge properties for all the networks. The return table is stored in each network object.
%<>% get_node_table(node_roles = TRUE) %>% get_edge_table soil_amp_network
11.4 Compare nodes across networks
The nodes in all the networks can be converted to a new microtable object by using the node_comp function of meconetcomp package. Then, it is easy to analyse the nodes overlap with trans_venn class.
# obtain the node distributions by searching the res_node_table in the object
<- node_comp(soil_amp_network, property = "name")
tmp # obtain nodes intersection
<- trans_venn$new(tmp, ratio = "numratio")
tmp1 <- tmp1$plot_venn(fill_color = FALSE)
g1 ggsave("soil_amp_node_overlap.pdf", g1, width = 7, height = 6)
# calculate jaccard distance to reflect the overall differences of networks
$cal_betadiv(method = "jaccard")
tmp$beta_diversity$jaccard tmp
11.5 Compare edges across networks
The pipeline of studying edges overlap is similar with the above operations of nodes comparison. The edge_comp function of meconetcomp package is used to convert edges distribution to a new microtable object.
# get the edge distributions across networks
<- edge_comp(soil_amp_network)
tmp # obtain edges intersection
<- trans_venn$new(tmp, ratio = "numratio")
tmp1 <- tmp1$plot_venn(fill_color = FALSE)
g1 ggsave("soil_amp_edge_overlap.pdf", g1, width = 7, height = 6)
# calculate jaccard distance
$cal_betadiv(method = "jaccard")
tmp$beta_diversity$jaccard tmp
11.6 Extract overlapped edges of networks to a new network
Then we extracted the subset of edges according to the intersections of edges across networks, which can be accomplished with the subset_network function in meconetcomp package.
# first obtain edges distribution and intersection
<- edge_comp(soil_amp_network)
tmp <- trans_venn$new(tmp)
tmp1 # convert intersection result to a microtable object
<- tmp1$trans_comm()
tmp2 # extract the intersection of all the three networks ("IW", "TW" and "CW")
# please use colnames(tmp2$otu_table) to find the required name
<- subset_network(soil_amp_network, venn = tmp2, name = "IW&TW&CW")
Intersec_all # Intersec_all is a trans_network object
# for example, save Intersec_all as gexf format
$save_network("Intersec_all.gexf") Intersec_all
11.7 Compare phylogenetic distances of paired nodes in edges
The edge_node_distance class (R6 class) in meconetcomp package is designed to compare the distribution of distance values of paired nodes in all the edges across networks. Here, we indicated the phylogenetic distance distributions and performed the differential test among networks. The input parameter dis_matrix can be any symmetric matrix with both the column names and row names (i.e. feature names). So it is also feasible to compare other properties of features, such as Levin’s niche overlap.
# filter useless features to speed up the calculation
<- unique(unlist(lapply(soil_amp_network, function(x){colnames(x$data_abund)})))
node_names <- microeco::clone(soil_amp)
filter_soil_amp $otu_table <- filter_soil_amp$otu_table[node_names, ]
filter_soil_amp# obtain phylogenetic distance matrix
<- as.matrix(cophenetic(filter_soil_amp$phylo_tree))
phylogenetic_distance_soil # use both the positive and negative labels
<- edge_node_distance$new(network_list = soil_amp_network, dis_matrix = phylogenetic_distance_soil, label = c("+", "-"))
tmp $cal_diff(method = "anova")
tmp# visualization
<- tmp$plot(add = "none", add_sig = TRUE, add_sig_text_size = 5) + ylab("Phylogenetic distance")
g1 ggsave("soil_amp_phylo_distance.pdf", g1, width = 7, height = 6)
# show different modules with at least 10 nodes and positive edges
<- edge_node_distance$new(network_list = soil_amp_network, dis_matrix = phylogenetic_distance_soil,
tmp label = "+", with_module = TRUE, module_thres = 10)
$cal_diff(method = "anova")
tmp<- tmp$plot(add = "none", add_sig = TRUE, add_sig_text_size = 5) + ylab("Phylogenetic distance")
g1 ggsave("soil_amp_phylo_distance_modules.pdf", g1, width = 8, height = 6)
11.8 Compare node sources of edges across networks
To know which taxa constitute the nodes in edges is important in understanding species co-occurrence patterns and answering ecological questions. In this part, as an instance, we used edge_tax_comp function of meconetcomp package to get the sums of node sources (at Phylum level) in the positive edges. In other words, how many linked nodes of positive edges come from different phyla or the same phyla. Then, to make the results comparable, the ratio was calculated with the positive edge number as denominator.
<- edge_tax_comp(soil_amp_network, taxrank = "Phylum", label = "+", rel = TRUE)
soil_amp_network_edgetax # filter the features with small number
<- soil_amp_network_edgetax[apply(soil_amp_network_edgetax, 1, mean) > 0.01, ]
soil_amp_network_edgetax # visualization
<- pheatmap::pheatmap(soil_amp_network_edgetax, display_numbers = TRUE)
g1 ggsave("soil_amp_edge_tax_comp.pdf", g1, width = 7, height = 7)
11.9 Compare topological properties of sub-networks
In this part, we extracted the sub-networks according to the OTU existed in each sample of soil_amp dataset for each network in soil_amp_network. Then, the global topological properties of sub-networks were calculated. All the operations were encapsulated into the subnet_property function of meconetcomp package.
# calculate global properties of all sub-networks
<- subnet_property(soil_amp_network)
tmp # then prepare the data for the correlation analysis
# use sample names (second column) as rownames
rownames(tmp) <- tmp[, 2]
# delete first two columns (network name and sample name)
<- tmp[, -c(1:2)]
tmp # load ready-made abiotic factor and diversity table
<- trans_env$new(dataset = soil_amp, add_data = soil_measure_diversity)
tmp1 $cal_cor(use_data = "other", by_group = "Group", add_abund_table = tmp, cor_method = "spearman")
tmp1# generate correlation heatmap
<- tmp1$plot_cor()
g1 ggsave("soil_amp_subnet_property.pdf", g1, width = 11, height = 5)
11.10 Robustness of network
The robustness analysis is implemented in the robustness class based on
several edge and node removal strategies and robustness measures (Bellingeri et al. 2020; J. Liu et al. 2017).
For the details of each method, please refer to the help document with the command ?robustness
Available options of remove_strategy
parameter include “edge_rand” (edges are randomly removed),
“edge_strong” (edges are removed in decreasing order of weight), “node_rand” (nodes are removed randomly),
“node_hub” (node hubs are randomly removed, including network hubs and module hubs),
“node_degree_high” (nodes are removed in decreasing order of degree), etc.
Available options of measure
include “Eff”, “Eigen” and “Pcr”.
“Eff” denotes the network efficiency (J. Liu et al. 2017).
The average efficiency of the network is defined:
\[ Eff = \frac{1}{N(N - 1)} \sum_{i \neq j \in G}\frac{1}{d(i, j)} \]
where N is the total number of nodes and \(d(i,j)\) is the shortest path between node \(i\) and node \(j\).
When the weight is found in the edge attributes, \(d(i,j)\) denotes the weighted shortest path between node \(i\) and node \(j\).
“Eigen” represents the natural connectivity.
The natural connectivity can be regarded as an average eigenvalue that changes strictly monotonically with the addition or deletion of edges.
It is defined:
\[ \bar{\lambda} = \ln(\frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^{N} e^{\lambda~i~}) \]
where \(\lambda~i~\) is the \(i\)th eigenvalue of the graph adjacency matrix. The larger the value of \(\bar{\lambda}\) is, the more robust the network is.
“Pcr” means the critical removal fraction of vertices (edges) for the disintegration of networks.
This is a robustness measure based on random graph theory.
The critical fraction against random attacks is labeled as \(P_{c}^r\). It is defined:
\[ P_{c}^r = 1 - \frac{1}{\frac{\langle k^2 \rangle}{\langle k \rangle} - 1} \]
where \(\langle k \rangle\) is the average nodal degree of the original network, and \(\langle k^2 \rangle\) is the average of square of nodal degree.
<- robustness$new(soil_amp_network, remove_strategy = c("edge_rand", "edge_strong", "node_rand", "node_degree_high"),
tmp remove_ratio = seq(0, 0.99, 0.1), measure = c("Eff", "Eigen", "Pcr"), run = 10)
$plot(linewidth = 1) tmp
We can also extract the result for a specified metric and perform the visualization, such as the scatter plot.
<- tmp$res_table %>% .[.$remove_strategy == "node_rand" & .$measure == "Eigen", ]
<- trans_env$new(dataset = NULL, add_data = tmp1)
t1 $dataset$sample_table <- t1$data_env
t1$plot_scatterfit(x = "remove_ratio", y = "value", type = "cor", group = "Network") +
t1xlab("Ratio of randomly removed nodes") + ylab("Network connectivity") + theme(axis.title = element_text(size = 15))
# another way; for microeco version >= 1.8.0
$plot_scatterfit(x = tmp1$remove_ratio, y = tmp1$value, type = "cor", group = tmp1$Network) t1
11.11 Vulnerability of nodes
From v0.4.0, the vulnerability of nodes can be calculated with the vulnerability
The vulnerability of one node is defined as the efficiency of network after removing this targeted node (Yuan et al. 2021).
For the details, please swith to the help document.
<- vulnerability(soil_amp_network)
vul_table View(vul_table)
11.12 Cohesion
The cohesion is a method for quantifying the connectivity of microbial communities (Herren and McMahon 2017). From v0.5.0, the cohesion is implemented in cohesionclass. It is defined: \[ C_{j}^{pos} = \sum_{i=1}^{n} a_{i} \cdot \bar{r_{i}}_{|r>0} \] \[ C_{j}^{neg} = \sum_{i=1}^{n} a_{i} \cdot \bar{r_{i}}_{|r<0} \] where \(C_{j}^{pos}\) is the positive cohesion, and \(C_{j}^{neg}\) is the negative cohesion. \(a_{i}\) is the relative abundance of species \(i\) in sample \(j\). \(\bar{r_{i}}_{|r>0}\) denotes the mean weight (correlation coefficient, interaction strength) of all the edges (related with species \(i\)) with positive association.
<- cohesionclass$new(soil_amp_network)
t1 View(t1$res_list$sample)
$cal_diff(method = "anova")
t1$plot(measure = "r_pos") t1